Monday, October 29, 2012

Kanye West In South Africa

This concert will be lengedary, loved his performance in South Africa a few years ago. The man brought out an Orchestra to the Coca Cola Dome and ripped the place apart, I have NEVER seen anything like that... #CLASSIC #RealHipHop!
Get ready for the Louie Vuitton Don AKA Yeezy real name; Kanye West as he makes his return to South Africa on the 2nd February 2013, just make sure you dont die before then! Tickets will range from R650-R1000... pretty steep but worth every cent!


  1. Can we get some tickets, seems computicket got them on Hold and TrueChase would love to be there... any suggestions C_Live?

  2. @TruChase For How Long Will Computicket Have Them On Hold?!? @C_live Do You Think Theres Any Chance Of The Hole Of G.O.O.D Music Being Here Too...

  3. joe thats a sepculative, hopeless question, if ive ever seen one...
